
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Doctor Warns Nigerians Against Eating Rotten Tomatoes, Pepper

 "A Nigerian medical doctor, identified as Wales, has issued a warning to citizens to avoid consuming rotten tomatoes and peppers, commonly referred to as 'eesa' or 'baaje' tomatoes. In a viral social media clip, Dr. Wales emphasized that regularly eating spoiled tomatoes and peppers poses significant health risks, including the potential to develop cancer. This is due to the presence of harmful microorganisms like fungi, which produce toxic mycotoxins.

Displaying rotten tomatoes on a plate, Dr. Wales cautioned that economic hardship should not lead people to compromise their health by consuming "poison." He explained that fresh tomatoes are rich in essential nutrients like Vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants, but rotten tomatoes are soft, broken, and contaminated with germs and eggs from flies. As they decay, fungi and other microorganisms invade, producing mycotoxins linked to cancer, immune deficiency, and kidney and liver damage.

Dr. Wales stressed that boiling or washing the rotten tomatoes would not remove the harmful mycotoxins, urging citizens to prioritize their health and avoid consuming spoiled produce, even if it seems like a more affordable option."


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