
Friday, September 23, 2011

Response to a Quote credited to President Goodluck Jonathan

"For too long, the international community has focused too little attention onmediation and preventive diplomacy and far too much effort and resources on military aspects of peace and security, Yet measures to address the root cause of conflict,including dialogue and mediation, can be far more effective as means to achieving sustainable peace and stability
- President Goodluck Jonathan adressing the 66th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, on Wednesday
"Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968) said and i quote Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
having said that , We are aware that in certain circumstances dialogue and mediation is the best solution but in most cases when the threat is as a result of terrorist activities one should think twice.
Measures to address the root cause of the conflict should include tackling the problems of corruption and its many branches. the Government should be determined to provide the basic amenities that the citizens need, any responsible government must be able to provide Electricity, Good road, Shelter , drinkable water, Good education, Food and security to mention a few among other things for its citizens.
How does the president respond to the quote below
"Yes ,we bombed the police Headquarters in abuja, i told you earlier that when the bombing of the police Headquarters, i called the person who led the attack.I was in front of the Inspector General of Police.They asked me why we bombed the police Headquarters and i told him (IGP) in his presence that it was because of his statement in Maiduguri that the days of Boko Haram were nembered"
Co-founder of the Boko Haram Islamic sect, Aliyu Tihua on why the group bombed the police Headquarters on June 26 in Abuja during a television interview on Tuesday.
we sure need some kind of revolution in this country. how long shall we continue like this, for there to be a change, we must take action to actualize the change!!


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