
Friday, September 30, 2011

Independence Nigeria !! lets iron things out !!

According to Robert MC Namara, a former United States Secretary of Defence " Any Society that seek to achieve adequate military security against the backdrop of acute food shortages, population explosion ,low level of productivity and per capital income,low technological development,inadequate and insufficient public utilities and chronic problem of unemployment has a false sense of security"
Nigeria has not been able to surmount any of these challenges , there are too many "little" things wrong with Nigeria cumulating and snowballing into a very big problem. Nigerians are already used to most of the so called smaller problems , it is now taken as normal not to always expect constant electricity supply, it is now seen as normal for the police to extort money from motorists at gun point , brutalize and kill citizens extra judicially , corruption is seen as a norm and most people are only waiting for their turn to get there and loot the national treasure , are we all mentally corrupt? we are satisfied with mediocrity , we have simply lost it !!
Does it ever occur to anyone that every act of corruption has a far reaching negative effect on the entire Nigerian system, would it not be desirable for us to have constant electricity supply, very good roads and network, and attain a high level of infrastructural development that can compete with that of any country in the world?

“ let me restate this even more directly; no truly perceptive mind will deny that the very sight of ostentatious consumption in the midst of societay even in society that enjoys reasonable accessibility to resources is an invitation to civic unrest and even possibly- revolution"

- Nobel laureate Professor Wole Soyinka at a public lecture to mark the 50th anniversary of the Nigerian institute of Management (chartered) in Abuja recently

All we want is a pro active move to reverse the decay in infrastructure , most especially good roads, and ensuring the existence everything necessary to increase the living standards of the people. The Politicians are taking Nigerians for granted, milking tax payers money dry and we lack the courage to say no. why? true independence will only come when the populace gathers the courage to say "enough is enough" . if ethnic or religious differences will not allow a nationalist motivated revolution to take place then every citizens can as well take their destinies into their hands and start a regional revolution to take what we deserve.
True independence can only come with the courage to say no to the present situation !!
Happy Independence!!


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