
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 11 style terror attack and the Boko Haram threat.

Boko Haram is an Islamist extremist group. It has been responsible for an increased number of terrorist attacks across the north and attacked the National Police Force Headquarters in central Abuja on 16 June 2011 , At approximately 10:20 AM local time on 26 August there was an explosion at the UN building in the diplomatic sector in Abuja. According to media reports, Boko Haram have claimed responsibility for the attack. Official sources have reported 23 casualties. Many more are reported injured. media reports has it that individuals claiming to represent the Islamist group have issued threats to continue their attacks but the question is where next? Reports also has it that they have also threatened to attack Aso rock a threat that might have prompted President Goodluck Jonathan to bring in Isreali intelligence to take over the security "business" of the presidential villa is this enough to stop an Hijacked plane crashing into Aso Rock?

The Possibility of a Plan by Boko Haram to Hijack and execute a (9/11) September 11 style Terror attack in Nigeria should not be waived aside , while the Government and its agencies are busy doing the talking on the pages of Newspapers affirming and reaffirming what they intend to do, Boko Haram sect members are busy planning their next attack. The million Dollar question is how competent is our airports/managements of airlines in their ability to handle security issues relating to the prevention of a possible plane hijack in Nigeria. The security agencies and operators of Airlines should ensure that there is adequate security is beefed up at the airport and that all passengers are seriously screened with a view to forestalling any possible plan to hijack aircraft for the purpose of Suicide crash like that of September 11 2001 in The United states of America .

And for the benefit of those who needs to know, there has been a case of a successful hijack of a plane in Nigeria carried out by Nigerian citizens asking for the actualisation of June 12 election. In 1993 , in the heat of June 12 crises ,four armed teenagers hijacked a Nigerian Airways jet ,Airbus A310 and directed the Plane to land in Niger republic, they armed claimed to be representing the interest of Movement for the advancement of Democracy .

Back to 2011 and while having the recent development in Mind and also the 9/11 attack of the United States. What if the Boko Haram sects gets desperate enough to want to make an attempt on the president, what if they decide to hijack a plane and simply direct the pilot to crash it on Aso Rock,a Government house or an embassy of a foreign country in Nigeria, there is media reports that individuals claiming to represent Boko Haram have issued threats to continue their attacks, including major cities and the most daring threat being a Plan to attack Aso Rock Villa!!

In trying to suppress Terrorism Security agents should not rely only on stop and stop and search for motor vehicles alone, all possibilities must be considered including a possible hijack and use of Aircrafts to carry out attacks.

All commercial Airlines plying International and Domestic routes must therefore beef up security to prevent any possible hijack, All Military Aircrafts must be heavily guarded to prevent possible use since record has it that not all military personnel is to be trusted as some are sympathetic to the activities of the Boko Haram Fundamentalists.

Nigerian citizens should also be advised to exercise caution and observe vigilance at all times, and report suspicious movements particularly in areas where there are political or other large public gatherings. Attacks could be indiscriminate, including government and security institutions, international organizations as well as public areas such as markets, hotels, shopping centers, places of worship, Airports and other areas frequented by expatriates and foreign travelers.

The Overall security consciousness of the Average Nigerian must be at the highest level, we need Intelligent people in the Police, the Military more importantly the state security service and the Military intelligence Agency. A word is enough for the wise. So help us God.

Written by Felix George


Anonymous said...

I hope the security agencies are taking note of things like this. God help us

Ademola on September 6, 2011 at 8:45 AM said...

Lord have mercy. what is Mr Goodluck doing. even the president is not safe. cant we just go our separate ways in Nigeria??

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