
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Prominent Quotes on Justice Ayo Salami issue

  1. The Action congress has debunked the allegation by the presidency that the clout for the re-instatement of the president of the court of Appeal, is partisan saying there are plethora of comments on the same issue by many eminent Nigerians . There are many quotes indicating that the removal of Justice Ayo Salami as president of the court of Appeal is illegal.

    Individuals and groups who have a record of standing up for truth have all commented on the controversial removal of Justice Ayo Salami. - ACN Action Congress of Nigeria

  2. “ Justice salami has not resigned as president of the court of apeeal and the president cannot adopt the recommendation of a kangaroo NJC without the express address of two-third of the senate" -Osita Okechukwu,National publicity secretary,CNPP
  3. "What the NJC did constitute a great assault on the rule of law.for those sitting on the top hierarchy of the judiciary to resort to self-help is judicial lawlessness"- Prof Itse Sagay (SAN) Front line constitutional Lawyer
  4. "Under section 238 of the constitution, if the office of the president of the court of appeal becomes vacant, the president of Nigeria shall appoint the most senior justice of the court of appeal to perform those functions pending the appointment of the president of the court by directing the most senior justice of the court of appeal top take over the functions of the office of the president of the court of appeal, the national judicial council has usurped the powers of the president of Nigeria, the action of the NJC is ultra –vires"- Femi falana, ex-president, west African Bar Association
  5. "It is a matter of great regret and shame that the judicial organization of the calibre of the NJC can ride roughshod over the processes of a court of law. The implication for the Nigerian Judicial process is catastrophic. if not remedied, we are witnessing the slide into anarchy and lawlessness, which history will record as having been fired up by the judiciary. We shall not sit idly by and watch our profession ridiculed and brought into disrepute in the public domain nowhere in section 158 of the 1999 constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria allows t5he NJC to proceed with the action it took regardless of the pendency of court proceedings.” Joseph Bodunrin Daudu (SAN) president NBA
  6. "We strongly call on the Federal Government to take a second look at its decision on the recommendations of the NJC with a view to retracing its steps and allow due process of law to run its full course in the citadel of justice. Let justice prevail." -Comrade Abdulwhaeed Omar,President NLC
  7. "The Decision taken by the NJC are improper illegal, self- destructive, ill-advised. counter –productive ,irresponsible and unconstitutional"- Professor Wole Soyinka,Nobel laureate
  8. "I believe, However, Salami is more right than the Former seems to me in setting his score with Salami ,the Former CJN deployed his near absolute power with little or no discretion that the use of such power requires. Above all, The NJC was obviously wrong to use the outcome of the report of the panel it set up to look into the quarrel between the CJN and Salami as a basis of accusing him of perjury and proceeding from there to recommend his sack in the guise of “suspension” to the president. Perjury is a matter for the courts to determine and the NJC is no court" - Mohammed Haruna Columnist
  9. "NJC ‘s action is destructive and unacceptable "–Boma Ozobia President of the commonwealth Lawyers Association
  10. "We have been watching with keen interest the ongoing assault on our judiciary by forces inimical to the sustenance of the rule of law and justice in our country .in view of this,we unequivocally call on the president Jonathan to reverse the so-called suspension of the PCA as it is destructive to out nation. we cannot understand why the NJC took a decision on a matter that is before a competent court of law. It is unfortunate that the NJC,which is supposed to be the major defender of the rule of law and justice ,is using its hands to machete the sanctity of the judiciary"- Comrade Dauda Mohammed ,President-elect NANS
  11. "The presidents Action is a clear impeachable offence" –CPC
  12. "The suspension of salami is a culmination of a Kabukabu dance, the judiciary has forced the country to watch for the past six months and a blithe disregard for the public confidence and trust in the legal system of the whole country"- Anthony Sani Public secretary ACF
  13. "What we are seeing is the impunity associated with the peoples Democratic party ,Jonathan is an off-shoot of Obasanjo who was an imperial president in his own time, How could eight members of a 23-member body ever form a quorum ? Without doubt. President Jonathan was enthusiastic in implementing the illegal action because he is the greatest beneficiary of this malfeasance" – Rotimi Fashakin National Publicity secretary ,CPC
  14. "one is alarmed that in spite of all the problems facing us as a nation, like insecurity and poverty ,with a lightning speed, the president went ahead to uphold this lawlessness and illegality and judicial gangster ism by NJC by appointing Adamu in an acting capacity" -Dr Joe Okei Odumakin, President Campaign For democracy
  15. "We are against this development. we see it as a way of ridiculing the judiciary.the government and the NJC are doing this to please those who want Salami to be removed because they are not pleased with some of the steps he had taken" - Mashood Erubami, Chairman TMG.
  16. "Salami's land mark judgments and decisions were very bold especially in the election cases,some of them are the sources of the problem he is having today." -Okey Wali (SAN) Former Attorney General , Rivers state
  17. "Salami is not guilty. " i have passed through that route before . Salami is being persecuted.They don't want him at the appeal court because of the election petitions. They want somebody with soft touch ,so they can rig elections.i have asked lawyers. judges,students my in-law, and they all said salami is a man of integrity"- Prof .Tam David , former minister of petroleum.


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